Sunday, November 1, 2009

Niagara Gold Souffle (and the varying emotions behind it).

" The Souffle's out! QUICK, take a picture!!!"
Niagara Gold Souffle
Rooftop Honey
Fig Brulee
Do you want to impress someone? Actually, more indulgent to our own self-worth in the kitchen, do you want to impress yourself?
Make a Souffle.
It's truly satisfying to watch a well made order come out of the oven. You know whoever made it is feeling awesome about themselves at that moment, because what you always hear at that moment in the professional kitchen is "JUST LOOK AT IT! LOOK HOW TALL THIS IS!" followed quickly by "PICK-UP SOUFFLE! NOW!! RUNNERS!!! Ca'MON, LET'S GO...!!!!".
A perfectly made souffle piping hot from the oven is very much grounds for even the most friendly of cooks (think June Cleaver personality) to turn their face to a shade of dusty rose red (think Angry Elmer Fudd), for a waiter, runner, manager, ANYBODY, to run that souffle out WIGHT NOW.
This recipe is a wonder, usually, you can categorize Souffles as Savory, Sweet, and Frozen. This one is treated in the savory method, but is sweetened with the condiments.
Niagara Gold Souffle
Yield; 6 Lg. Ramekins
45gr. Butter
A.P. Flour (enough to make a Blonde Roux with the Butter)
Skim Milk (Enough to make a very thick Bechamel)
1 Cup Shredded Niagara Gold Cheese (Or any sharp cheese)
Kosher Salt (tt)
Nutmeg - Pinch
3 Egg Yolks
5 Egg Whites
1) Melt the butter in a pot, add the flour and make a blonde roux.
2) Add the milk, stirring in thoroughly to blend, cook on low heat.
Add milk as needed to maintain a constant thick, spreadable consistency.
3) When the sauce have ceased thickening, add the cheese, stirring to incorporate fully. The mixture should look and act like raw choux paste. Remove the pot from the heat, let rest for 2 minutes.
4) While the mixture is resting, take this time to coat the ramekins with Butter and Sugar. Set aside. Turn the oven on (convection if you are cool) to 375f.
5) Fold the Egg Yolks into the cheese mixture one at a time. Add the Salt and Nutmeg as needed. Set Aside.
6) In a separate bowl, whip the Egg Whites to stiff peaks.
7) In thirds, fold the Meringue in the Cheese mixture (I always violently incorporate the first third to really loosen up the mixture). Do this quickly, and gently (the latter two/thirds that is...). The final batter should be quite light, somewhat comparable to Sabayon.
8) PIPE each ramekin with the mixture three quarters high, leaving the edges clean, or it won't rise properly, and you will become dourly and self pitying.
9) Put in the oven, on an open rack. Make sure everyone in the entire restaurant knows not to open that oven for the next 15 minutes. Stand in front of it just in case.
Serve with a side sauce boat of Heated Honey and Fig Brulee (Cut the Fig in half, cover flesh with sugar, torch it).
-Become slightly more egotistical for a job well done.

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